Regular readers of this blog will no doubt be hoping I am going to present a further revision of my magic darts wagon wheel.
And I am!
The following changes are quite considerable, so I'll bullet-point them to make it easier for you to keep up:
- data entry is now done via mouse-click - you just click on the bed that's been hit
- this allows for a distinction between the two halves of the single
- this makes it much quicker and easier
- this is quite ridiculously awesome
- the JPGs now export automatically after each visit to the board, meaning you don't need to keep hitting the keyboard shortcut for the macro
- this does it every three darts unless you get your score to zero in which case it exports the JPG at the end of the leg
- there are buttons for "bounce out" and "bust" in case that happens
- there is now a scoreboard displayed which shows the points in leg for both players
- there is also an overall leg score in the middle
- there is no provision for sets yet but that wouldn't be too complicated to add
I can understand if that's quite a lot to take in. There are a couple of other little things like the status bar at the bottom of the excel says how many you've scored while it's exporting the JPG (takes about a second and a half) and I've used a calculator display-type font for the scores, as a nice little touch.
I've also been experimenting with a GIF programme which freezes on final frame. Which is OK, not essential but in fact doable, if desired. Here's the normal GIF anyway for the first set of the World Grand Prix second round match between Alan Norris and Simon Whitlock. I've only done the first set because, as I mentioned, I have no provision for sets in my file yet.
Enjoy and please make comments if you have any comments.
I haven't included any explanation of how I've managed to do all this really good stuff in this post but I can tell you that it wasn't actually very complicated most of it. Was all just adaptations/extensions of what I had without having to completely revise any aspects of the programming, which was nice.